Bad delivery of securities duty paid terms 通过海关后交货条件
They are bad people to deal with; always late on delivery dates. 他们不是好生意伙伴,总是延迟交货日期。
The recent shortage of diesel oil and bad weather conditions in northern China, have compounded the problems of an already overloaded express delivery market. 近期的柴油短缺以及北方糟糕的天气状况更是让本已超载运转的快递业雪上加霜。
Bad delivery of securities 违反有价证券交付条例
Bad delivery of securities Advice of Driving-offence Points 违反有价证券交付条例违例驾驶记分通知书
Results, 88. 7% of perinatal pregnant women had negative psychological activity which positively correlated to social-economic factors, the degree of satisfaction at life and husband, and the bad experience of pregnant or delivery. 结果,88.8%的孕妇出现负性心理活动,负性心理活动与社会经济因素、对生活和丈夫的满意程度及既往不良孕产史密切相关。
Conclusion: The incidence of postpartum depression is high. The main obstetrical factors include the time of pregnancy and abortion, the history of bad procreation way, whether normal delivery or not. 结论:产褥期抑郁症发生率较高,怀孕次数、流产及引产次数、不良生育史、是否正常产是产褥期抑郁症主要的产科危险因素。
Bad social behavior and mood controlling, inadequate psychological preparation for delivery, lack of knowledge of delivery were closely correlated to the onset of postpartum depression, which are the risk factors of postpartum depression. 产妇不良的处世表现、情绪控制差、分娩前的心理准备不足及分娩知识的掌握不够等社会心理因素与抑郁症发生有关,是产后抑郁症发生的危险因素。
It was concerned with that most of the pregnant women delivered at home, delivered by untrained staff and the bad delivery quality. 可能与其大部分在家分娩,由未经培训过人员接生、接生质量低劣等有关。